Bardock Revenge

Posts written by Poggo0

view post Posted: 30/4/2008, 22:20 Hi it's me again... - Validation Chamber
I give you another chance ;) Please participate.
view post Posted: 29/4/2008, 23:57 Hi it's me again... - Validation Chamber
You have been deleted, for months you didn't participate. I mean a lot of months!!! I remember you.
What do you want to do? Do you want to participate or simply watch what's happened during your absence?
view post Posted: 24/4/2008, 19:02 Validate Me - Validation Chamber
You are banned from this forum...
view post Posted: 26/1/2008, 19:37 Post here to be validated - Validation Chamber
Red the rules, you have been warned already and you still continue to make those useless messages.
view post Posted: 26/1/2008, 02:22 gogetassj8 - Validation Chamber
I'm glad you are happy, please participate ;)
view post Posted: 23/1/2008, 22:57 gogetassj8 - Validation Chamber
Only for you, you have now access :kakashi:
view post Posted: 23/1/2008, 17:01 gogetassj8 - Validation Chamber
:lol: sorry I don't remember you... but if you weren't in a while how can you think that you can access in the closed areas? :)
view post Posted: 20/1/2008, 20:39 Franciynaldo Rock - Validation Chamber
Sorry man, my fault. Now you access all the forum.
view post Posted: 29/12/2007, 15:10 Post here to be validated - Validation Chamber
After months and months, you never wrote in your messages that you read the rules. If you ever break one rule you will be directly banned.
Feliz nata.
view post Posted: 28/12/2007, 23:10 Post here to be validated - Validation Chamber
No, you didn't respect the rules. Don't write in old topics like a mad.
Last chance or you'll be banned.
view post Posted: 27/12/2007, 20:05 qul et la demarche pour acceder a toute les rubric - Validation Chamber
Il n'y pas de messages par jour, il faut juste participer.
view post Posted: 25/12/2007, 20:18 qul et la demarche pour acceder a toute les rubric - Validation Chamber
Envoie-les moi dans pm, je vais les mettre.
(seulement les Rules)
view post Posted: 24/12/2007, 13:17 qul et la demarche pour acceder a toute les rubric - Validation Chamber
Parce que c'est dificil pour moi, je ne sais pas tous les mots. Si tu arrives je le metterai.
view post Posted: 21/12/2007, 18:05 qul et la demarche pour acceder a toute les rubric - Validation Chamber
Merci pour la réponse brightkoms, il y a pas de règles en français donc il faut les aider.
view post Posted: 25/11/2007, 15:14 Post here to be validated - Validation Chamber
Ya fuistes un miembro de este forum? Algo me acuerdo de tu nombre...
349 replies since 3/12/2004